Sanja Kukor

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Sisak

Über mich

Hello everyone. I am from Croatia. Photography is my hobby, I am mostly taking photos of family events, but also of all the other beautiful and interesting things. I traveled throughout Croatia and somewhat Europe, and during this trips I am trying to capture all the natural beauty and interesting things.

I hope you will like some of my photos, especially photos of Croatian landscapes, so you might as well decide to personally visit my beautiful Croatia.

I'm not here so I can just show my photos, but I would like to learn something new so my photos may be better. Therefore, your comments are important to me.

I thank everyone in advance for visiting my photos and comment them. Maybe I do not manage to thank everyone individually due to lack of time and I apologize for that... but sincere comments are always welcome.

Also, I enjoy viewing the beautiful photos of nature, places, animals or other things made by other authors.

And finally:
Maybe my photos are not anything special, but they are mine, so do not download or copy them without my permission.

Kommentare 400

  • Adele D. Oliver 22. Dezember 2014, 8:16

    All my best wishes for a wonderful Christmas Season and a healthy and happy
    New Year ..... !!!
    Festive Greetings,
    Happy  Christmas
    Happy Christmas
    Adele D. Oliver
  • Jürg Scherrer 27. Mai 2014, 1:06

    Dear Sanja -
    Many thanks for your visit and for your very kind comment. Wish you a wonderful new week - best regards.
    Hugs from Italy.
  • Jürg Scherrer 10. März 2014, 1:21

    Dear Sanja -
    many thanks for your kind visit and nice comments - much appreciated! Wish you all the best for the new week.
  • Jürg Scherrer 9. Februar 2014, 17:37

    Dear Sanja -
    many thanks for your kind visit and nice comments - lots of pleasure! Wish you an excellent remaining Sunday and all the best for the new week.
  • Jürg Scherrer 4. Januar 2014, 19:56

    Dear Sanja -
    many thanks for your kind visit and nice comments - lots of pleasure! Wish you an excellent Sunday and all the best for the New Year - luck, joy, happiness and - above all - top health.
  • Adele D. Oliver 22. Dezember 2013, 22:59

    dear Sanja,
    I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas Season and for the New Year good health, peace and happiness !!!
    Christmas Comes Just Once A Year
    Christmas Comes Just Once A Year
    Adele D. Oliver

  • Jürg Scherrer 5. November 2013, 1:09

    Dear Sanja -
    Your comments are always particularly appreciated - I thank you very much. Best wishes for a wonderful new week.
  • Davide Bergonzini 14. Oktober 2013, 21:22

    Grazie del commento.....buona serata

    Lone Pine Peak
    Lone Pine Peak
    Davide Bergonzini
  • Giorgia Cavallieri 5. Oktober 2013, 22:58

    Tra i ghiacci #1
    Tra i ghiacci #1
    Giorgia Cavallieri
    Strokkur- l' attimo
    Strokkur- l' attimo
    Giorgia Cavallieri

    Thank you Sanja! You are too usual!
  • Günther Snatzke 28. September 2013, 11:34

    Danke für deine Anmerkungen zu meinen Bildern.
  • Pavol kopalel 24. September 2013, 19:26

    Thank you for your comments.
    Best wishes, Pavol
  • Jürg Scherrer 23. September 2013, 23:13

    Dear Sanja -
    many thanks for your visit and for your most appreciated comments - lots of pleasure! My best wishes to you. Hugs!
  • SchauMomente 14. September 2013, 16:04

    Hallo Sanja,
    danke für deine Anmerkung zu meinem Bild und schöne Grüße nach Kroatien. Ein wunderschönes Land.
    Lg Michaela
  • Davide Bergonzini 12. September 2013, 7:18

    Grazie mille del commento
    Cracovia on the road
    Cracovia on the road
    Davide Bergonzini
  • Alen Ferina 11. September 2013, 22:35

    Bok Sanja, fala na komentarima i lijepim rje?ima. Pozdrav
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